LLP Grundtvig 2
Agreement number: 2008-1-BE2-GRUO6-00027-4
Iniciativa: Learning key competences through entrepreneurship
The two-year project INICIATIVA – “Learning key competences through entrepreneurship” commenced in September 2008 and was funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig partnerships. The project aimed at giving adult learners the opportunity to explore their own competences through entrepreneurship in order to (re)integrate into the learning process or the job market.
The coordinator was Isabel Alvarez-Castellanos from Centro de Adultos “Infante” (Spain, Murcia) and the partner institutions were Prodyktionsskolen I (Denmark, Hvidovre), Technikzentrum Minden-Lübbecke e. V. / Owl Maschinenbau e.V. (Germany, Hille) and Ekpaideftiria Kaloskami S.A. (Greece, Piraeus).
During the first year teachers from the participating institutions shared and compared experience about the innovative pedagogical approach “Learning by doing” in order to motivate the students to gain activity-based insight of the key competences required in the economic and business life.
During the second year, learners became “entrepreneurs” ready to set up their own business and trainers became “facilitators” who stimulated and supported the learners’ initiatives. The students in our school created a mini-company called BIO+LOGIKON that provides fast food based exclusively on organic materials. Through the entrepreneurial workshops, that have been created, the students gained autonomy and self esteem on the main key competences such as programming, organizing, assessing, analyzing, working cooperatively, risk taking as well as mathematical competence, digital competence, communication in foreign language etc.
The project developed a website ( and a CD-ROM with the pedagogical product that derived by the implementation of the program. Teachers and students also participated in the transnational meetings of the partnership.