LLP Comenius Multilateral School Partnerships
Agreement number: 2011-1-RO1-COM06-14682 3
The two-year project “Let’s make school more enjoyable” commenced in September 2011 and was funded by the Lifelong Learning Program as a Multilateral school Partnership COMENIUS. Through the use of new methods which require an active participation of the students in the teaching process, the project’s objective was to increase not only their motivation for learning but also their interest in lifelong learning and reduce the absenteeism as well.
The coordinator was Mr.Ildefonso Pregigueiro Sanchez from Instituto Espanol Vicente Canada Blanch (London, England) and apart from our school, the partner institutions were: Bartin Anadolu Ogretmen Lisesi (Bartin, Τurkey), I.I.S.S. Paolo Frisi (Μilan, Italy) and “Τeleki Blanka” Gimnazium Budapest (Budapest, Hungary).
In the first year of the project each participating country identified methods to improve the teaching and assessment process so that school becomes more enjoyable. Each participant chose the suitable methods for the selected themes which were shared with the project partners. Students and teachers analysed their activities and they collaborated to establish a common virtual library with the best activities.
During the second year of the project the partners used their counterparts’ best methods for the same themes in order to emphasize both advantages and disadvantages of using the above mentioned techniques. An opinion survey was carried out after each class and the results were posted on the project site. Each school organized science festivals, exhibitions and at least a day when the students were teachers, by implementing the technique “Teachers for a Day”. Teachers and students from our school participated in the transnational meetings of the partnership. All the products and the pedagogical material are available on the common site