LLP Grundtvig 2
Agreement number: 2009-1-IT2-GRU06-06441 4
Proskills: The arts and the art-therapy as a means of developing creativity, proactivity and soft skills in disadvantaged adult learners
The two-year project PROSKILLS – “The arts and the art-therapy as a means of developing creativity, proactivity and soft skills in disadvantaged adult learners” commenced in September 2009 and was funded by the Lifelong Learning Program as a Partnership. The project aimed at implementing methods based on art and art therapy as a means of developing proactive attitudes, creativity and soft skills in the adult learners and therefore to increase their level of social participation and civil engagement.
The coordinator was Christina Miliaca from Technopras (Rome, Italy) and apart from our school the partner institutions were Sisli (Instabul, Turkey), Siauliai University (Siauliai, Lithuania), Feramuc-Gu (Guadalajara, Spain) and AidLearn (Lisbon, Portugal).
Core of the project ProSkills were the partnership’s exchange and the creation of a common framework-model related to the application of creative and active teaching/training methods, based on the arts and art-therapy (music, painting, movies, drama, etc.), with the aim to develop in the socially disadvantaged people a creative mind, proactive attitudes and behavior, ability of learning to learn and to self-develop themselves. These innovative teaching practices lead them to regain their self-confidence, increased their motivation and commitment to the learning process and consequently helped them ameliorate their work status.
The project developed a website and a CD-ROM with the pedagogical product that derived by the implementation of the program. Teachers and students also participated in the transnational meetings of the partnership.