KA220-VET- Cooperation partnerships in Vocational Education and Training
Agreement number:2024-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000245025
EUVET-P: Vocational Education and Training Policy in the European Union
The project EUVET-P is co-funded by the European Erasmus+ KA2 Program – Cooperation partnerships in Vocational Education and Training. The project is based on the principle that organizations, teaching staff and learners in VET who are aware of the opportunities provided by EU VET policy are likely to support the European idea and embed it in their working context. The project can thus contribute to an improved individual participation in both, the labour market and society. The core outcome of the project is the development of learning units that support VET providers with implementing the “European idea”, EU VET policy strategies and tools.
The main activities are
- Identification of Best Practices of EU VET by conducting focus groups
- Development of four (online) learning units that support the “European Idea” within VET and include Best Practice examples of policy tools
- Validation and testing of learning units
- Dissemination and OER uploading of the results
The project is coordinated by TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DRESDEN (Germany) and the partner organizations are: Ekpaideftiria Kaloskami S.A. (Greece), ANDRAS (Italy) and Aidlearn (Portugal).